Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Random Thought about Books

I used to point out occasionally that when one went into a library in the old days, you could, without thinking about it, judge the extent of the collection by the size of the card catalog. Computerization did away with that.

What else might we be trading away for our convenience?

After finishing reading North of Hollywood by Rick Lenz, I realized I would soon have the delight of choosing another book to read. How would I do that?

First I looked at what I have checked out from the library. Unless a book is at the top of my MUST read list (think Kate Atkinson's Life After Life), I won't choose something on my Kindle. I go for a 'real' book. Besides library books have to be returned.

After that I look at the cover, dimensions of the book, number of pages, and lots of other tactile features. Wave by Sonali Deraniyagala appeals to me right now because it is small and compact. It's a hardcover but about the size of a healthy paperback rather than the more traditional size hardback. What does that say about the future of 'real' books? Maybe nothing. I have to think about this a little more.


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