Friday, May 31, 2013

Why I'm Not Posting Armchair BEA Stuff

I have lived in Michigan for more than thirty years. Yesterday I became a real Michigander when I struck and killed a deer. It is a rite of passage but not a particularly happy one.

Although I am fine, having my first accident EVER was a disconcerting experience and has interfered with my concentration and reading.

Here's what my car looks like.

You can see that the deer actually ran into me. It was the middle of the day on a four lane highway.

Everyone from the tow truck driver to the police officer to the body shop manager was more than kind. My car can be fixed, but you can imagine the time it took to take care of all the details yesterday.

Therefore, I am most likely not going to be catching up with everyone participating in Armchair BEA. I will try to do some commenting to cheer everyone onward!

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