Wednesday, February 27, 2008

One Good Turn by Kate Atkinson

This turned out to be the perfect cure to Leif Enger's underwhelming second book. I read Case Histories a couple of years ago after Stephen King wrote in Entertainment Weekly that he felt it was the best book he had read that year. I enjoyed it immensely. The author, Kate Atkinson grabs you from the first and never lets go. It's the same with One Good Turn.

On the crowded streets of Edinburgh during the Fringe Festival, an unexpected and seemingly undeserved incident of road rage starts a string of incidents. Even though the coincidences range all over the place, the author never loses her way. Interesting characters, many that we come to care about, include two were in Case Histories. Jackson Brodie is back and has accompanied actress Julia Land, who he met in the earlier book, to the festival where she is performing in a dismal play he ended up funding.

Another bit of fun comes from identifying the popular allusions although I must confess I don't get them all. Doesn't matter. This is great storytelling.

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