Saturday, June 18, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

I've had to make a very difficult decision. I finally got Erik Larson's In the Garden of the Beasts from my local library but wasn't able to start reading it until today. Because it is due in just a couple of days, I tried to renew it but that didn't work since it has other readers waiting. And on top of that, my ARC (advanced reading copy) of Louise Penny's new Inspector Gamache book arrived in the mail today. Then there's Elizabeth Kostovo's The Swan Thieves sitting by my reading chair as well. There was no other solution but to plan to return In the Garden of the Beasts on time and request it again.

1 comment:

  1. I decided to read the beginning of Eric Larsen's book and I couldn't put it down or stop quoting from it all weekend. So I broke down and ordered my own copy from Amazon so I can return the library copy.
