Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Whither the Bookstore?

Shaman Drum Bookstore has been around since 1980 but it may no longer be able to sustain its business model. Read what owner Karl Pohrt has (1) gone through because he could see what was coming and (2) what he has tried to do to find an alternate way to keep the Ann Arbor institution alive. It's more sad news for those of us who love bookstores.

The comments are as interesting as the article. I live near Ann Arbor and I have never been inside Shaman Drum. The name alone sounded like everything would be 'new agey' and not what I would be interested in. Apparently they carried everything including text books for University of Michigan students. Guess they fooled me there.

Click here for the article.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I almost feel guilty for ordering three books from Amazon the day before yesterday. But they were for a 16-year old boy who could not find the books he wanted in a local bookstore. I think I resonated most with Comment #50. The name "Shaman Drum" repels rather than attracts me.
