My rating: 5 of 5 stars
From Ann to her blog readers,
Dear Friends,
I just finished reading Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows wonderful book and feel like I have new friends. The funny thing is that I have resisted this book for years because of what I considered a cutesy title. Nothing in the reviews I scanned encouraged me to pick it up.
But this fall some friends joined me in a book club and each member chooses what we will read in a particular month. A friend, who in the past has introduced me to some wonderful reads, chose this one. Well, I sighed and ordered the book from the library.
Can you imagine how astounded I was when I found out what a wonderful story was told through a series of letters about life on the island of Guernsey during and immediately after the German Occupation in World War II. I didn't even know where Guernsey was located before!
I loved the comfort this wonderful book allowed me to share during a difficult time. It's not great literature but I don't think it is trying to be something it isn't. It is perfect as it is.
I wish people still wrote letters. And I wish I knew people who could write ones like these.
Yours ever,
View all my reviews
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