Girl One by Sara Flannery Murphy
What initially interested me about Girl One was a description that said it reflected elements of Orphan Black and Margaret Atwood's The Handmaiden. Well it does but that doesn't mean what you might think it means.
FIRST LINE: "April 24, 1972 My dearest Josephine: I've just taken a call from President Nixon, who asked me to pass on his fondest birthday regards to you."
The tale is told by Josephine Morrow (AKA Girl One) interspersed with letters, news reports, and magazine articles. It's set in, what has been referred to, as an alternative past. Part science fiction, part thriller, the story is uneven and doesn't really work in either genre. Rather than give up, I plodded through to the end. You'll find I am in the minority though as many reviewers loved this book. The writing is all right and there are some interesting and exciting scenes. Aspects of the book concern parthenogenesis (a method of self-reproduction in which the egg cells develop into offspring in the absence of a mate), which occurs in some animals.
Basically the story concerns Josie's mother disappearing and how a group begin traveling from place to place trying to find her. Of course, they are being followed by the bad guys who want to destroy them. It could make an exciting movie.
The book went on sale June 1, 2021.
DISCLAIMER: A copy of was provided to me by MCD /Net Galley for an honest review.
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